July 4, 2011

Stacey Dash RunWay Magazine Feature

Is it me....or is Stacey Dash drinking from the fountain of youth. Now, some of your may think I'm corny for saying this, But I'm dead serious. This woman does not age to me. 45 year old Single Ladies star Stacey Dash was featured in Runway Magazine in a photo spread, where she did a quick interview with the magazine. Stacey spoke on staying in shape, her Single Ladies character Val, and upcoming projects. 
Read Ms. Dash's interview below:
On how she stays in shape
I eat healthy, I run and I work out with a personal trainer who does a very strenuous, athletic workout with me four to five time a week.
On her character Val’s fashion sense 
Val’s fashion style is constantly evolving. It’s inspired by iconic fashion figures of the past, and she puts a contemporary spin on it. [Fashion consultant] Anthony Williams and I have total control when it comes to the vision of Val’s style.
On her upcoming projects
I’m a mother, so I’m focused on my children and am working on a few projects I have in the making. At the moment I’m building my battered women shelter task force and working on a skincare line and lifestyle brand. I also have a book coming out 
called “How to Stay Dashing,” which should be released by the fall.

Check out more pics from Stacey's Runway photo spread:


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