Recently, country singer Hank Williams Jr. made a couple of negative statements about President Obama on Fox News. The singer made an appearance on Fox show "Fox & Friends" with hosts Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade. He was asked by host Gretchen Carlson about his favorite in the Republican presidential race, he replied "nobody." But the conversation went a different direction when Williams made a comment about the President. Read the dialogue below:
Hank Williams: Remember the golf game?
Steve Doocy: Boehner?
Hank Williams: That was on the biggest political mistakes ever.
Co-Hosts: Why?
Hank Williams: That turned a lot of people off. You know watching, you know, it just didn't go over.
Gretchen Carlson: You mean when John Boehner played golf with President Obama?
Hank Williams: Oh, yeah! And Bident and Kasich, yeah. Uh-huh
Gretchen Carlson: What did you not like about it? It seems to be really pivotal moment for you.
Hank Williams: Come on. Come on. It would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu, Ok?
After the statement was made, the three hosts seemed uncomfortable. Brian Kilmeade said, "Yeah, I don't understand analogy, actually." Williams responded to Klmeade by stating"
"I'm glad you don't brother, because a lot of people do. They're the enemy.... Obama! And Biden! Are you kidding/ The Three Stooges."