I know many of you have been tuned into Basketball Wives L.A on Monday nights. Its quite obvious that Kimsha Artest (Ron Artest wife) has not been seen in recent episodes. She was seen in the first two or three episodes of the season and then *poof* disappeared. Over the past few weeks, fans have been questioning about her existence on the show. Last week, she finally addressed her fans and stated via her facebook page:
"i'm getting asked a lot of questions. I ain't got time for the bulls&*t. It it what the f*&k it is. Ya'll need to take it to Ms. Shaunie. I will keep my mouth zipped right now."Well, her mouth didn't stay zipped like she said. Seems like yesterday she got tired of the bs and wanted to vent on her facebook page about Shaunie Oneal, Evelyn Lozado, and Laura Govan:
" i see they cute me off the show and left buckle a*& bi*%$es. shaunie oneal can kiss mya%$. she kisses a&% to that evelyn bi*%h and gets the b$@c% who f%$*ed her husband and cut her a cheque but cant handle a real woman. FOH!"