The world has a gained a new Miss Universe! 25 year-old Leila Lopes was the winner of the 60th annual Miss Universe, which took place last night in São Paulo, Brazil. The Angola native is the first African winner in thirteen years.
During her interview, Leila Lopes was asked what physical trait she would change and why. The African beauty gave the judge a wonderful response, where she expressed that she is satisfied with the way GOD created her. Read her full response below:
"Thank GOD I'm very satisfied with the way GOD created me and I wouldn't change a thing. I consider myself a woman endowed with inner beauty. I have acquired many wonderful principles from my family and I intend to follow these for the rest of my life."
Well, it seems like Leila's response snagged her the Miss Universe crown. Congratulations Leila!
Check out photos of Miss Universe below: