Most you may heard the rumor about a certain female rapper allegedly being struck in the face by her boyfriend. Well Recently, TMZ released a 911 recording that involved Young Money rapper Nicki Minaj.
On July 12th, Dallas police responded to a 911 call from the Palomar hotel. An hotel employee placed the call complaining that a hotel guest in one of their rooms had to be removed. During the call, the employee puts the phone down after an unidentified man walks towards him and says "let me see your phone." An unidentifed woman is heard in the background yelling "What did you hit me for, what did you hit me for?" The unidenfied male was also heard asking employees about his luggage. After all of the hoop la in the background, the employee picks up his phone again and tells the 911 operator this:“Did you hear all of that? It’s pretty crazy up here right now. This is a celebrity profile group. This is Nicki Minaj, I don’t know if you know anything about that but her entire crew is up here on the 8th floor and it is getting crazy so as soon as possible would be awesome. She got hit in the face by somebody too, I’m sure you got that on tape. [Who hit her?] I don’t know but she’s screaming about it right now so I’m happy you got it on tape.”
According to the police report, Nicki refused to press charge, after police and paramedics arrived on the scene.
Take a listen to the 911 recording here