Boris Kojoe is at again. This past weekend, he expressed his opinion and importance for blackpeople to take better care of themselves when it comes to their health and weight. The series of tweets began when he tweeted:
“Like a baby. Had nightmares though about 300 pound women in thongs gnawing on chicken wings while grinding on me. Scary. Gotta Love North Carolina."
A few of his followers questioned his issues with big women. He responded by telling them he love all types of women and continues by making a point to educate his many followers on health obesity in the African American community. He began the twitter trending topic #FATEXCUSES. Boris named a few reasons why overweight people should lose the weight.
Read below:
“Ok, people. Just to make it clear. I love all women! I love them tall and short, big and small, dark and light, short hair and long hair. You all know [Nicole] and I are all about health. And we as a community have to be more conscious of our health. The numbers are shocking. I love ‘thickness’. And I love a woman who loves herself. And loving yourself is being healthy. Here some # from the US Dept. for minority health: 4 out of 5 African-American women are overweight or obese! Obesity related diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer (only 5 types of cancer are hereditary) are the leading cause of death. It’s not about conforming to these ridiculous ‘skinny’ beauty standards in the media, it’s about being healthy so your kids can be healthy.”
"High blood pressure and Type II diabetes are only 30% from genes and 70% from environmental input, aka bad diet and no exercise[...]By popular demand, a new slogan: SEXY STACKED GODDESS No weight differentiation, BMI, or label needed. It stands for healthy and confident. “
Brois Kodjoe goes on by responding to people refusing to lose weight:
- Fat Excuse – ‘DON’T HAVE TIME TO EXCERCISE‘ If u have time 2 watch ‘Keeping up With the Kardashians’ u hv time 2 do jumping-jacks n crunches
- Fat Excuse-’IT’S SO BORING‘ Well, put your iPod on and do the Dougie, work out with your man, or take a fun class
- Fat Excuse -’I HAVE NO MONEY FOR A GYM’ Go in the park and walk, bike, walk stairs, do it in your bedroom, do the Boogie…again
- Fat Excuse-’MEN LIKE THICK GIRLS’ There’s a difference between a healthy and sexy stacked goddess and an unhealthy obese one
- Fat Excuse -’I LIKE FRIED FOODS’ ok, portion control is key. You don’t have to be a vegan, just take it easy on too much fried and processed foods
Boris even throws Rihanna’s name in the mix, after made a point that our culture is more into the live of celebrities than the real issue that our community are facing:
"I don’t butter up. I challenge people and I want to be challenged. I want us to be healthier, happier, more successful with real aspirations. Our kids’ education sucks, our health is poor, our men are in jail, and we are broke, so let’s not talk about Rhianna’s hair color ok?"
"Gotcha! see, that’s all we care about. Sad. I’m done for today. Just everyone please take some responsibility for yourselves. Let’s all be better."
Hopefully those followers and others who are reading this post will take his advice and put it into action. At least we have those celebs that actually still care his community. Thank you Boris!