Recently, Keyshia Cole held a press day in Atlanta. Hip Hop Enquirer was there to listen to the r&b singer talk about her new album, her engagement to, her baby, and her family.
Ms. Cole also shared her thoughts on critics of her new album, where critics are saying they like her music better when she was singing about heart break. This was her response:
“Maybe it’s someone out there that can give you that sad, sad story because I won’t be able to until I feel that sad, sad story again and hopefully that never happens.”
Check out some excerpts and video:
Keyshia Speaks On Mistakes She’s Made In Her Career
I think I heard Keri say ….I think it was the Vibe interview or something like that where they asked her is it anything in her career that she regrets? She said, she just feels like as a new artist she may have picked a couple different beefs that she shouldn’t have….like she shouldn’t have recorded that song or got at certain people a certain way because she wasn’t the jealous type of person but people were in her ear and she was feeling like they have her career in her hands so she did what she had to do.
I can relate to that a little bit because when I first came out Manny had to get me out of a contract that he was very successful at getting me out of. That’s why I can appreciate Manny but I definitely feel like that was something like “dang, just got my deal….we can deal with that later.” We did got out of the contract fortunately but it’s just some certain things that you realize afterwards like “Oh man, maybe we shouldn’t have done that.”
Keyshia Talks About "Calling All Hearts" and her fiancé Daniel Gibson
People need to give it a shot…. they haven’t even understood the perspectives of the album. Actually, I wrote half of it before I met Gibson, so I wasn’t that optimistic about love. But I have met my fiancĂ©, we are engaged to be married and I have a child. I’m not going to say that everything is peaches and cream because everyday we grow with each other and we learn each other like any other relationship. I’m not like “I’m happy and living in the best world possible” because that would be unrealistic but we are very happy and I am very blessed to have him. Maybe it’s someone out there that can give you that sad, sad story because I won’t be able to until I feel that sad, sad story again and hopefully that never happens.
Keyshia Talks About Her New Addition "Daniel Hiram Gibson Jr."
I’m so blessed to have him.. At that time I was going through [things] with my family and I was so hurt from it…me being pregnant and just coming to terms with myself and understanding that I’m having a baby now. Now I have to give my child everything that I wanted my mom to give me that I didn’t receive. His father is going to be here and we’re engaged and we’re going to be married. God puts so many things in your life for a reason and just take heed to it and be thankful. So many things came that was bad but then it was so many good things that came that just made me realize a lot about who I am, about my fans, about you guys being here, about how many lessons it is to actually have made it this far even though a lot of things were happening that was kind of hurtful to me. It made me appreciate the good things so he was a blessing wrapped all in one.
(I love her nails)
