Power 105.1 Charllamagne Tha God of The Breakfast Club crew, expressed his thoughts on the controversial comment. He suggested a Hot 97 boycott. He stated this during the Breakfast Club Morning Show:
"Now, I’m sure you heard about the comment toward Haitian women that Cipha Sounds made last week, Friday, December 17. I’m not gonna repeat it because I would never let such hate come out of my mouthpiece…
That comment of hate was directed towards Haitians, specifically Haitian women. Cipha Sounds apologized, and in this apology, first thing he said was ‘I rep the West Indian community heavy. I say sak pasé before all my parties.’ See, I’m from the South, so I know about hate directed towards ethnic groups, so when he said that he reps Haitians heavy and he says ‘sak pasé’ before all his parties, it was the equivalent to a racist redneck getting called out on being racist and saying to the people, ‘I’m not racist; all my best friends are black.’ That’s what that sounded like to me.
First of all, if you rock with the Haitians heavy, Cipha Sounds, it wouldn’t even cross your mind to spit such hate at a group of people who have suffered more than any other ethnic group I can think of in recent memory. Cipha Sounds, did you forget about the earthquake that killed over 200,000 people and injured over 300,000. What about the cholera outbreak that has killed over 2,500 Haitians in Haiti since mid-October, Cipha Sounds? How can you be aware of these things and even fix your mouth to say what you said about Haitian women? Instead of tryna uplift, empower and help, you kicking the beautiful Haitian people while they down. Let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, any person who would throw hate at the Haitians at any time, but especially in this moment in time, would throw hate at anybody. A person like this doesn’t care about the people, period. And, Cipha Sounds, your apology was forced. You didn’t do it because you wanted to do it. You did it because it became an issue. There’s some things you just can’t apologize for and this is one of them. It’s like murdering someone and then turning to the family in the courtroom saying, ‘I’m sorry.’ It means nothing after the fact.
I know your type, Cipha Sounds. I heard people like you talk down about Haitians for years. I got a homeboy, Freddie Gz, from Haiti, and he told me yesterday, and I quote, it was people like Cipha Sounds making those kinda hateful comments that made him not claim his Haitian heritage when he was younger. It was comments like the one Cipha Sounds made that made him embarrassed to be Haitian. All you did was throw more fuel on an already existing fire, Cipha Sounds. Is that what you choose to do with your microphone? Is that what you choose to do with your platform? With great power comes great responsibility, and what you said was socially irresponsible. You say you care about the people, but I can’t tell, dog. And your man Peter Rosenburg, what type of sucka is he? I’m looking at his Twitter page yesterday, and less than two hours after the beautiful Haitian people finished protesting in front of Hot 97, he puts on his Twitter page, and I quote, 'Bitchassness is at an all time high today.. I just want people to know that I see, hear, and remember all..and I always win eventually.’
Peter Rosenburg, what exactly was the bitchassness? Was it the beautiful Haitian people protesting in front of Hot 97? Was the bitchassness the offended people calling your station and sending you messages upset about the hateful comments that Cipha Sounds made? To say that 'bitchassness was at such an all-time high today' on the day Haitians are protesting in front of Hot 97 is the ultimate sign of not being remorseful, of being unapologetic and not being sensitive towards the feelings of the people.
Now, Hot 97 has suspended Cipha Sounds and that suspension is such a joke because it’s the holidays. I can almost guarantee that he was gonna be off anyway. Think about that, Haitian people? They so-called suspended a guy during the holiday. He was gonna be off anyway! They don’t care about the people, so why do we care about them? This has been an ongoing trend with Hot 97. A culture of hate has been cultivated on Hot 97. And, obviously, Hot 97 encourages the hate ‘cause they keep it going. They like the cameras in front of building, they like seeing their logo on TV, they like generating this kinda controversy, and they don’t care who they hurt in the process. That’s why Peter Rosenburg, on the day Haitian people are protesting in front of Hot 97, can get on Twitter and say, ‘Bitchassness is at an all time high.’ Ha! Peter Rosenburg, the only time bitchassness is at an all-time high is when someone like you shows absolutely no remorse for the people who listen to him on a daily basis.
Listen man, I strive to remain sucker free, as you should, so I’m done with Hot 97, as you should be. You got an alternative. A station full of public servants, a station that cares about the people, a station that’s gonna uplift and empower people when they down, not kick them in they ass when they down, and that station is Power 105.1.