PLANKING MANIA!!!! Everyone is doing it.... Now some of you may ask, "What is planking?" "Where did it come from?" Well, Miss Tracy A got your answers. LET'S START!!!!
This craze is said to originate in Australia because of the planking death that took place, where a man fell from a balcony and brisbane while his friend photographed him. However, others are saying the fad was born in New England in 1997. But, it gained recognition in 2009, when a group of nurses and doctors in England were fired for playing during their shift.
So, if some of you are wondering how planking is done.... Here it is:
You lay down straight, face down, with your arms at your side in public on or around a random object. After, you upload the photo to the planking facebook page or any social network and wait for commenting.
Although everyone is with the planking fad, some are not to fond of the craze because its seen as offensive and racist. Some sites say planking originated from slavery. This is when slave masters chained slaves side by sided on boats.
Recently, chatted with actress/comedian Kim Coles at Kita and Mo's Define Your Pretty even on the red carpet. During the interview, a woman who was being interviewing and planked on the red carpet, trying to convince Kim to the same. But, Kim was not going to do such thing. Kim goes on to say:
"I'm not going to do that." "I work to hard to be [un]dignified.
Check out some pics of people planking below: