Gabrielle Union expressed her own feelings on Rihanna's "Man Down" video controversy. The actress stated "I tried to shoot my rapist, but missed." The beautiful actress was once raped at the age of 19, while working at a shoe store in California. In 2009, Union shared her story, where she stated:
“When I was 19 years old, I was raped. I was working at a shoe store in California, and the store was robbed. The person robbing the store ended up putting a gun to my head and raping me. As he was raping me, I felt as though I was floating over myself, thinking, ‘This isn’t happening.’ I blanked out and had an out-of-body experience, like I was hovering above seeing this horrible thing happen to someone else…not me. I was fortunate enough to go the UCLA rape crisis center after this horrific ordeal. It gave me my life back. My dignity and self-esteem were gone and they helped me find them again."
Union tweeted her thoughts on the "Man Down" video:
“Saw “Man Down” by Rihanna. Every victim/survivor of rape is unique, including how they THINK they’d like justice [to] be handed out. [During] my rape I tried [to] shoot my rapist, but I missed. Over the years I realized that killing my rapist would’ve added insult to injury. The DESIRE [to] kill someone who abused/raped [you] is understandable, [but] unless it’s self defense in the moment to save your life, just ADDS to your troubles #mandown. I repeat SELF DEFENSE 2 save yourself/protect yourself, I’m ALL for. Otherwise victim/survivor taking justice into your own hands with violence equals more trouble for you!!”
I 100% agree with Gabrielle.