The Atlanta rapper is being held in a Arkansas State Prison for violating his previous probation, because of his September 2010 incident, where both he and his wife busted for possession of ecstasy in L.A.
Well Tiny paid a little visit to her man and seems like one of them or the both of them was HORNY.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris were caught in a sexual act during regular visiting hours, after guards caught the tiny giving her husband a hand job.
T.I was reprimanded and sent to a special housing unit for some time.
According TMZ.com
T.I.’s wife Tiny confirms … the two were in a room together during regular visiting hours at Arkansas State Prison when Tiny made like Michael Jackson … and beat it.
According to prison guidelines, inmates are allowed to kiss and embrace at the beginning and at the end of a visit as well as hold hands — but “the inmate’s hands must remain in plain view of Visiting Room staff at all times.”
Tiny tells us T.I. was immediately reprimanded and sent to a “Special Housing Unit” — which consists of more security and less freedom.
Tiny says she hasn’t spoken to T.I. since the incident — but she’s hopeful she’ll be allowed to visit again soon … as long as she keeps her hand to herself.
Dang, this couple can't get any break. There married and in love. Well, keep your head up Tip and Tiny.
I will stayed tuned to see how this plays out.