So some people are REALLY REALLY STUPID these days.
Alexander Hernandez was found sipping on some wine inside a closet. And guess who's closet? 50 Cent.
Hernandez and another accomplice (Santos Padilla) decided to break into 50's 19 bedroom mansion, which is located in Connecticut.

Police officers responded to a call from 50's mansion around 6 AM, where a suspicious car was noticed parked in his driveway.
Both men were arrested for the break-in.
How stupid are people these days. first you park your car in 50's driveway. Do you honestly don't expect for a millionaire like 50 cent to have high security for his enormous 19 bedroom mansion. PEOPLE THINNNNKKKK BEFORE YOU ACT!!!!
By the way, 50 is selling the mansion. So if anyone is looking to buy a 19 bedroom mansion for 9.9 million, holla at 50