The legend Quincy Jones received some negative response to the remake of M.J's 1983 hit song "P.Y.T." The record was remade by T-Pain and Robin Thicke's and is featured on Q's new album Q: Soul Bossa Nostra.
Rap-Up.com interviewed the legend and he responded to the criticism he received for the P.Y.T remake:
"“Today with Facebook and Twitter and everything, I have never seen so many haters in my life, but it’s people sitting in their basements with their pants on the ground, just being haters. I don’t get it, man. That means they don’t have a life.”
Seems like Q didn't have a problem with the remake for the 1983 hit. T-Pain and Robin Thicke were not requested by Qunicy to remake the record. In addition, the legend did not take part of the recording process an
"The freedom in music is do what you want to do, I don’t think anybody should sit there and say you shouldn’t do that or you shouldn’t do this. That’s not up to me to say.“They volunteered. I didn’t choose them. I didn’t produce this,” he says. “Six years ago, Timbaland came to me with one of his assistants in South Beach and said, ‘We’d like to do a hip-hop tribute to all your old songs.’ I said, ‘Great, man. That’s a very big honor ’cause I’ve worked with a lot of the hip-hoppers anyway and have always been behind them.’”
T-Pain responded to the crtics via twitter with this response:
"For all the ppl that hate mr for ruining pyt just stop listening to my sh*t. But if Quincy jones tell you he want you to do something, no matter how much shot you know ur gonna get from the dumb asses in the world, you god damn do it. The f*cked up thing is everybody being so kind to mj after he’s gone, but how can you wish a man to rest in peace when you never gave him peace in a life time? I had the pleasure of meeting MJ and when I left his house I got a call from his lawyer telling mr that MJ wanted me to remake that song. So everybody that’s being overly disrespectful, you don’t have to like me at all, but you also can keep that bullshPt to yourself. Like I said I’m making it my job to stay positive on twitter but this is why the image of my ppl is so f*cked up cuz we all are to envious and jealous of each other to get passed anything. In conclusion, if you don’t like what I do then stop listening to it, if somebody tells you that my sh*t is wak, why would you go and try to find it? Just stay off my timeline and my d*ck and get YO sh*t together, obviously I’m str8."